Here at FPC, the Bible is at the center of our life together. It is God’s unique way of revealing His character, love and purposes for us. Because it is such a unique and important book, we wanted to provide you with some resources as you begin or continue your journey of reading and reflecting on God’s Word.
The Basics of Bible-Reading
Pray before you read. Bring a childlike faith and expect the Holy Spirit to help you hear God’s Word to you as you read.
Find a distraction-free place to read. Have a pad to write down distracting thoughts or “to dos” that come to mind.
Understand the original context (see Bible Project Resources below)
Enter the story, Ask questions…who, what, why, where, when?
Seek to discover the basic, simple meaning of the passage. What did it mean for the original audience?
Use the Devotional Reading Guide to apply the passage to your own life
When you get the opportunity, share what God is teaching you with someone else
Bible Project Resources The videos below provide an illustrated overview of every book of the Bible that will help you understand the original context (author, audience, purpose and historical setting):
Devotional Reading Guide Use the following questions to respond to God’s Word through prayer, meditation or journaling:
1. What does God reveal about Himself in this passage? How can you praise, thank or worship Him and acknowledge these? Pause now and pray.
2. What are you being called to believe more deeply or see more clearly in this passage about God’s love for you? The incredible salvation provided through Jesus? Or the ways in which He is inviting you to love and serve others?
3. Is God using this passage to reveal something about your values or character that needs to change? Will you respond to God and pray for his transforming grace in this area of your life?
4. What is your takeaway from this passage?
Head – what beliefs about God, yourself, or others need to be adjusted in response to God’s Word?
Heart - how can you pray for internal change of heart and watch for the change in your actual daily experience?
Hands - what would God have you do in response to this passage? What actual steps is He inviting you to take to apply this passage to your life today or this week?